This must be grumpy old man week.
Thomas and Marcel,
You can both do things the way you want and I will continue to do things the way I want. If you don’t like that then piss off.
No Greg grumpy does not describe what happens when ever someone post a thread about walking a roof. The word that describe what happens is **Acrophobia. **It never fails that one of the 2% that have this fear of falling will try to justify his fear in the name of safety for his fellow inspectors it happens every time.
Nope your part of the 98% and I call that a majority:D
Some I climb … Some I don’t Need to climb (the whole inspection is done from the van windshield) … Some someone is dumber than a potato chip to try and climb.
Take a look and YOU decide which is which …
Sorry, Charles acrophobia does not apply here.
I walk roofs when necessary and safe.
And in my contracting days I built houses with roofs too steep for even the most foolhardy inspector to climb.
My only point here is to encourage inspectors to assess each roof for safety before walking it and not feel that if “so and so did, then so can I” rule them.
You brag about climbing roofs and even you have admitted to feeling trepidation on some. Thats your choice.
I encourage inspectors to make their own judgement call on safety.
Greg was making a joke with this post and you immediately started to justify your acrophobia. Does your wife change your light bulbs