Trust me there was more to be shared but thought I would keep it to these. B&B family just left as I got there.
Wow, that’s a good one, I’m surprised it’s still standing.
Thanks for sharing.
Write as hard as possible on that one. That deck will be in the news if the new owner has a big house warming party without fixing it or blocking it off from guests beforehand, lol.
Wow!! Is that property by the ocean? How did those hangers get so rusted? I know that’s none of our business😅. Just wondering
i had one like that and the real estate agent said “you can fix that after you move in”. Their English was bad and every defect that I found she said that it was OK. I made an exception to talking someone out of buying.
That was my first thought.
Actually, my first thought was HOLY COW!
Yes by the ocean. And I had the same response
Certainly frustrating when you try to protect your clients and realtors are not.
“Oh, you’re just a deal killer.”
Needs handrails!
That is scary!!!
That cost’s extra $$$
That is some messed up. And a B&B too. A lawsuit in the making if it collapses when guests are on it.
Funny how the “passed the test of time” does not apply in this case. I mean, come on, the deck looks 50 years old and has yet to collapse
That is crazy.
Client did walk away. The deck is just part of the story. Never had a chance to follow up on the report. Clients word “ decided to run from that money trap” I would have called it more than a money trap!!