I have a client who is complaining that I did an incomplete 4-point because I didn’t report on the ‘adequacy and spacing of tie-down and foundation piers’ under a double-wide. Has anybody EVER heard of this? I’ve been doing inspections for 13 years in west central Florida and have done 4-points for many double-wides and never ran across this before.
In Florida, Home Inspectors aren’t allowed to inspect the “’‘adequacy and spacing of tie-downs” unless they have the proper credentials (Licensed Mobile Home Installer, or Engineer, for example). It falls outside the scope of our License.
FYI, it doesn’t matter if it’s a “double wide” or some other size.
I explain the tie-down limitation to all manufactured/mobile home clients, but some of them don’t pay attention until they get a letter from the insurance company seeking that specific certification. Most lenders and/or insurance companies will want this inspection, and there are several engineering firms that can help (either directly or through you).
That’s what I told him during the booking phone call. I just wanted to be sure. 12+ years of doing inspections and I’ve never had this situation.