Originally Posted By: jpope This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Applying tile over shingles is not an issue in and of itself, however, the roof system must be designed to support the weight of concrete tile. The fact that the shingles weren't removed is an indication that appropriate permits may not have been obtained. Without permits, it's not likely that load calculations were taken to determine the adequacy of the truss/rafter system.
I would recommend that the certification from a structural engineer and a copy of permits be provided by the seller prior to close of escrow.
-- Jeff Pope
JPI Home Inspection Service
"At JPI, we'll help you look better"
(661) 212-0738
Originally Posted By: rwand This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Thanks for the info. My thoughts would be that the house was designed for asphalt, of course tiles would weigh much more. As others have suggested you would need to calculate the load factors for the tiles and the load factor for the asphalt shingles, plus wind loads and pitch. The difference in weights would tell you whether the framing is capable of supporting the load. Roof are usually over designed. But if you have any concerns what so ever I concur that you should defer to an engineer. In the interim the roof should be repaired and monitored. On the plus side a layer of asphalt shingles would act as a secondary membrane.
Raymond Wand
Alton, ON
-- The value of experience is not in seeing much,
but in seeing wisely. - Sir William Osler 1905