Originally Posted By: mgoldenberg This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
This has only happened twice in over 4000 inspections. Once in a new home, once in a 12 year old home… the customer complained the toilet was plumbed with HOT water. I responded that I check all devices that have a hot/cold - anything where you put water on your body. Even a bidet has hot/cold valves. The water in the tank will cool down - 1 or 2 flushes will not reveal this deficiency.
Both times it was a dead issue, but I’m sure my customers were not happy about it.
Originally Posted By: Lee Hammerstein This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
The hot water is used to prevent the tank from sweating. A mixing valve is used sometimes to adjust the hot and cold water to the temperature that is not too hot yet still prevents the sweating of the tank.
Originally Posted By: rray This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Are there any codes relating to plumbing the toilet with hot water? Are toilets supposed to be plumbed with both hot and cold water using a mixing valve? There’s only one line coming out of the wall and going to my toilets, and I’ve never seen two lines going to the toilet. I thought toilets were only plumbed with cold water.
If one plumbs with hot water, are there any specific problems that one might expect?
Do people farther north plumb their toilets with hot water as a standard?
Originally Posted By: Jay Moge This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Russel. it’s not a 2 line system. the one i used has a clamp style valve that goes on the hot supply for the lav (under the floor) and runs a small copper tube over to the toilet supply. adding about 1part hot to 2 parts cold. thus warming the water so as not to condensate on the tank and cause water damage below. as for the only supply being hot? not good if the toilet is on the bottom floor and the coldness of the ground threw the drain pipe chills the bowl, then one hot flush and CEEERRRACK
Originally Posted By: evandeven This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Jerry Peck stated at IN that the temperature change from the cool water in the tank to the hot water when the toilet is flushed, may crack the tank. I don’t know if this is true or not.
I have found this same situation on four homes, all newer construction. What I also found was the the sinks were plumbed wrong as well. The hot water line which is supposed to be on the left was on the right and the builder corrected it by reversing the valve inside the handle (single handle).
On three of those homes, the Clients took the house the way it was. On the fourth home which was 2 years old at the time, the builder came out and re-plumbed the entire bathroom.
For testing purposes, I flush the toilet four times and take a reading with my laser thermometer. When I have the hot water on at a sink, I feel the left side fixture to make sure it is hot.
I have found several washing machine hook up that were reversed.
The bidet' has a drain because it is actually used to wash babies. Although, I have heard of some who just dunk the baby in the toilet!
-- Eric Van De Ven
Magnum Inspections Inc.
I get paid to be suspicious when there is nothing to be suspicious about!
Originally Posted By: evandeven This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
mgoldenberg wrote:
Thanks Eric.. the bidet thing was a joke.
We check for hot is hot, cold is cold on any device that puts water on your body, NOT the toilet. A matter of philosophy I guess.
Just some advice, the first time I found the toilet plumbed with hot water, the Clients didn't care. The bathroom sink and shower were plumbed backwards as well. They didn't care.
When they sold their home, the Buyers had an inspection done and the inspector, who looked at my report first, noted the hot water to the toilet and the sink and shower plumbing. The new Buyers wanted it fixed.
It cost the homeowners $2,500.00 to fix the plumbing. They had to take out the vanities, the walls and part of the shower.
Now, had I not mentioned it, I might be getting a phone call or a registered letter that I don't want!
The only way I know what happened to this home was because the Sellers called to have me inspect the new home they were buying.
I wouldn't want to tell anyone how to inspect a home or run their business, just something to think about.
-- Eric Van De Ven
Magnum Inspections Inc.
I get paid to be suspicious when there is nothing to be suspicious about!
Originally Posted By: Jay Moge This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
if the home is occupied (rented or what not) and the H and C are reversed, usualy your best off noting it and tell the owner to fix it when and if the tenants move out. they’re used to it the way it is now, changing it could result in little ones hand getting scaulded.