Training on plumbing and saw this at a friend’s house. Seems totally wrong to me and looking for confirmation and any advice. Thank you!
-TPR discharge pipe is not approved material (PVC)
-No air gap at discharge
-Discharge not in conspicuous and observable location
-Discharge should not be connected directly to a drainage system
-Condensate pump is not designed to carry super heated water
Jesse, when you are inspecting and you see a handyman special like this, pay careful attention to all the plumbing and electrical. Chances are you will find other safety issues from improper work.
Good Luck!
Is that water supply to heater in contact with the flue? Where is the shut-off valve for it? Can it be operated “safely” what is the heat source of the heater? Where might any shut-off/disconnect be for the heat source? Can it be operated easily and safely? Where does the condensate pump drain to? How about the furnace? The TPR drain is blocking access to the gas valve. Speaking of which, is the gas line to the furnace painted black pipe or is it something else? Hard to tell from the picture. Not to squirrel out but, apart from plumbing, there are other things in that area that should be in your thoughts while you are there… Like Mr. Jonas mentioned, 1 red flag usually leads to more… your first picture has examples of other things to look for during an inspection that should be noted and investigated… Take into account what may be permissible in your area that may not be elsewhere and vise versa…
Happy studying…