I have taken the NHIE Illinois exam three times, and I am not making progress. I need guidance on what I am doing incorrectly and what I should focus on to pass the exam.
I passed the INTERNACHI course and took a few practice exams before my first attempt. I scored 105 out of 190. Internachi provides a basic understanding, but it lacks the depth and complexity of the actual exam.
I purchased the Compucram course on home inspections, completed it, and took the exam for the second time. I scored 100 out of 190. For my third attempt, I focused solely on reviewing the practice exams from the Compucram course and achieved a 99 out of 190.
Should I purchase the NHIE manuals? Are there any additional practice opportunities available? Should I consider getting the IRC? What strategies did other people who successfully passed the IL exam use without becoming overwhelmed?
Yes, every question on the NHIE can be sourced back to the study manuals.
It sounds like you are learning test questions and are not learning and or comprehending the study material. To pass an exam like the NHIE you need to understand the subject matter and comprehend it. You need to know the basics of a electrical system! You need to know why you can’t have a 14 gauge wire on a 20 amp breaker! You need to now the clearance requirments for a chimney and for a vent. You need to know the requirements for guardrailing and handrails. and on and on and on…
Visit the NHIE website and download the exam content outline, that is a blueprint of the exam and the areas of knowledge you will be tested on and the percentage of questions for each area. Then you need to know and study the IL home inspector license law to be able to answer those state specific questions.
And as a side note, when studying, I have always found it’s MUCH better to truely understand the material, than it is to simply try to memorize it. This will also present areas that you’re weak in and that you can place more emphasis on.
I took the InterNACHI test ten times a day until I consistently scored 90%. When I finally took the NHIE test, I completed it in just an hour. My advice: Take the practice tests, study, and repeat the process until you know the material inside and out. Hold off on spending money on the real test until you’re thoroughly prepared.