Originally Posted By: kmcmahon This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
The top 100amp breaker is the real main with the bottom one labeled "main" is the 100 amp breaker for the sub panel and the sub-sub panel.
I figured labeling both breakers as "main" was a no-no.
Originally Posted By: Brian A. Goodman This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
You may be looking at a “split bus” panel. ITE used to make those years ago, and I still see them every now and then in my area. They typically only had one main though, which cutoff all of the 110v circuits, with no more than 5 other 220v circuits. That allowed them to stay within “6 moves” rule without the expense of a 150 or 200 amp main (cheap, cheap, cheap). I’m just wondering if for some reason they might have wired this one with a second main for the 220’s.