main breaker

Originally Posted By: nbhi
This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.

Why would a the main panel in the house have 4 breakers labeled, main? They are rated: 60. 2-30 and a 50. No sub panels. Thanks

Originally Posted By: Joey D’Adamo
This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.

gschering wrote:
Why would a the main panel in the house have 4 breakers labeled, main? They are rated: 60. 2-30 and a 50. No sub panels. Thanks

Might be a "split bus" panel. Were these breakers off on their own on either the top or bottom of the panel? Did one of these breakers (maybe the 60) appear to feed a bunch below? I'm guessing you probably saw a split bus panel. Do a search on the forums here for split bus panel and see if some of the pictures you see match what you saw.

Originally Posted By: Greg Fretwell
This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.

Yup that sounds like a split bus panel. The 60 feeds the 120v breakers/fuses below and my guess is a dryer, water heater and stove for the 30,30,50