Tyvek/Wall Moisture Barrier

I was inspecting a home today and found a gable end where the Composite Trim was about 1/4" to 3/8" lower than the soffit with the moisture barrier visible.
Is this acceptable or should there be a sealant applied?

Thank in advance.

Make a recommendation and call it a day.

You’re not going to enforce anything anyway.


What harm is being done?

I simply asked a question and took Larry’s advice. However, your question to my question is the possible harm would be the severe storms and hurricanes we experience in Florida for 7-8 months out of the year. Water intrusion could happen when the soffits are only 10".
Enjoy your day.

What “advice” did you take, and how? He didn’t actually give any!
Telling you to “Make a recommendation and walk away” is useless in helping you with you question. What exactly are you recommending?


A 1/4 inch gap (WITH a visible moisture barrier) and a 10 inch overhang!
How/what did you actually “Recommend” as an action to your client?

Note: We may not get Hurricanes in Minnesota, but we do get a few Tornado’s!

My question was if the gap is acceptable or if a sealant should be applied. I made a recommendation in my report that a sealant should be installed. And left it at that. Thanks

Great question meant help think through a potential defect. We should always consider consequence, such as water intrusion resulting in damage.

Once that is considered, generally speaking, we’ll have our answer.