Originally Posted By: lkage This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Does anybody remember the vendor at the Orlando Convention that was selling Ultra Stinger (75,000 candle power) flashlights for around $109 or $129, somewhere in there. I remember it was a really good price and they were toward the rear on the left going in the right isle.
I need another! My backup Mag Light pulls my pants down...and it's not very bright. 
-- "I have never met a man so ignorant that I couldn't learn something from him."
Galileo Galilei
Originally Posted By: lkage This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Thanks, Jeff, that’s even better!
Much obliged.   
-- "I have never met a man so ignorant that I couldn't learn something from him."
Galileo Galilei
Originally Posted By: bkelly1 This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I ordered from them after Tactical Shop and also had no problems. Tactical shop has charged my c.c. and not delivered. I have emailed, faxed, called, etc, with no communication from them in return. Southwest public safety was good to work with.
Originally Posted By: dedwards This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I’m with John O. on the Pelican lights. Ive been using several for years and they are lightweight, batteries seem to last forever and very bright. Comes in dozens of styles, sizes and extremely durable. Ive dropped my Sabre Light numerous times and it still keeps on working. The prices on line are far better than what Ive seen others pay for lights on here. Most of the NiCad lights you buy at the Home Centers or elsewhere only hold a charge for half hour if you are lucky. The rechargable Pelican lights typically last for several hours per charge. Extremely white clean light. A lot of firefighters and others who have to enter areas where there is combustibles or gases use them. Try looking at:
Originally Posted By: cradan This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
bkelly1 wrote:
I ordered from them after Tactical Shop and also had no problems. Tactical shop has charged my c.c. and not delivered. I have emailed, faxed, called, etc, with no communication from them in return. Southwest public safety was good to work with.
Same experience here with Tactical Shop. Ordered an Ultrastinger replacement, got charged, never delivered. Called, e-mailed...no communications. No joy.
Originally Posted By: kgraham This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Sorry for the bum lead with tactical shop. I just found a good price on the Stinger light.
I ordered a Sure Fire G2 flashlight and very pleased with it. Good bright light and easy to carry. Batteries are not rechargable, and expensive if you get them at Radio Shack or someplace like that. Buy the batteries from Sure Fire and they are resonable.