Originally Posted By: Tim Fenchel This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Thinking about getting started in HI business and I am curious as to what kind of vehicles you all use. I am sure the majority will be made up of vans and pick-ups. I currently have a Jeep Cherokee and I am not sure I want to purchase a new vehicle until I get a year or so into this.
Originally Posted By: gbeaumont This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Hi Tim, welcome to the play pen, my current fleet is a full sized Bronco (which I hate) & an Alfa Romeo spider which I love (but looks silly with a ladder rack ) I am currently thinking of buying a station wagon for inspections, idealy something with good gas milage and some level of comfort (been looking at older Volvo & Mercedes). Your current ride hould serve you well in the short term however until you have got started.
Originally Posted By: bdoles This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I have either a Chevy Tahoe or a Nissan Frontier pickup. Both are great. The Nissan is for long hauls (easy on the gas) A Cherokee would be just fine. Don’t spend it if you don’t have to.
Originally Posted By: phughes This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Since a lot of expense is involved in driving, I parked our F150, and set up our Saturn SC1 (hardly a work vehicle) to use for inspections. I bought a 17 foot ladder from Sams Club, that folds to about 4 feet, and just put down one back seat and carry everything to do the inspection in the trunk.
Now people look at you funny when you pull up and wonder how you plan to get on the roof, but suddenly out comes the ladder.
I can get on 90% of the roofs I need to, and the ones I can't would generally take more than a 24 foot ladder to reach. So this works out pretty good.
Originally Posted By: dbush This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I have thought very seriously about buying a motorcycle in the near future, and thought I would get one of those little trailers to pull behind with my folddown ladder & tools inside, but I have not figured out how to get the step ladder for getting into the attic and stuff like that yet. It will be fun to pull up to an inspection on a bike though.
Originally Posted By: rray This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I have gone to an inspection several times on my motorcycle, but my company works in teams, so I didn’t have to carry any of the tools of the trade. I usually only do this when I know there will be at least three inspectors at the inspection, so that if one with tools gets waylaid by traffice, at least one set of tools will show up on time. If both happened to get delayed, I could still start the visual part of the inspection while the tools are on their way. We don’t use too many tools, anyway, and I carry a screwdriver and an outlet tester with me.
My main work vehicle is a Honda Accord 200-HP V6 (I grew up in the muscle car era with my Mustangs, Z28s, and Trans Ams, so 200 HP is about the minimum I will put up with in these San Diego hills). I use a telescoping ladder and everything else fits very nicely into a Home Depot bucket accessorized with the Home Depot utility bag.
Originally Posted By: gbeaumont This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Hi James,
cool looking toy, I used to see a lot of these in Europe, as they were originally developed for the Austrian army, it is a Steyr Puch Haflinger.
Now come James, you got to get up earlier than that to catch me out on strange vehicles    
I just can't figure out why you bought that when you could have had a forward control Land Rover instead ???
Originally Posted By: mcraig This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I am in to Basic inexpensive trucks that I can run to the ground I have been using Ford rangers with a weekender ladder rack on the passenger side. I am on my 3rd one over the years I have never had any major repairs and out here I can buy them new for under $11,000 with a 3 yr. warranty then trade them every 3 yrs. for a new one.
Originally Posted By: ekartal This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I use my car. Fairly popular around here. I have a 16’ ladder that folds to 4’3’’. Most people could care less about the vehicle as long as it is presentable.
Originally Posted By: jrooff This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Gerry you are very close to the right answer, BUT it is a STEYR-PUCH PINZGAUER 710K this model is made by the Swiss and is a Swiss Army radio truck. I’m just learning about it after getting it back from the paint shop. They had it for 35 days.
But this Vehicle is the only one around my area for about 2-300 miles and most people around here have never seen one, boy do they look.
This summer I will be in most of the parades and one of our big antique hot rod 2 day event, it is 29 years old and only 30,000 mile. Only been state side for 2 years. Just tryin to kick it up a notch with the advertising and have a little fun.
Originally Posted By: jburkeson This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Hi James,
Will you share the approximate price on this very-cool STEYR-PUCH PINZGAUER 710M thingy-mobile? I might even be willing to give up my 87' Alfa Romeo Quatrofolio Verde for something that cool.  Thanks!
Joe I-want-a-cool-inspection-truck-too Burkeson
-- Joseph Burkeson, RPI (Hooperette)
?Anyone who has proclaimed violence his method inexorably must choose lying as his principle.?
~ Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Originally Posted By: sspradling This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
My inspection vehicle is a 2000 suburban with more miles than the space shuttle, but I keep it in good shape, no dents, (my 16 year old dosent’ get to drive it) clean & waxed. Frequently, in crappy weather, the 4 wheel drive helps me get home. Magnetic signs with my logo stay on all the time. Plenty of room for the little giant, tool bucket, brief cases, spare shoes, clothes did I mention the kitchen sink?
Originally Posted By: rpasquier This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I am driving a 1994 Mitsubishi Montero, plenty of room for all the tools and it gets around 20MPH, and looks pretty nice. And of course it’s a 4X4, but I am thinking of buying a minicargovan to run into the ground, because I LOVE my Montero…
Originally Posted By: jedwards This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
rpasquier wrote:
I am driving a 1994 Mitsubishi Montero, plenty of room for all the tools and it gets around 20MPH, and looks pretty nice. And of course it's a 4X4, but I am thinking of buying a minicargovan to run into the ground, because I LOVE my Montero...
If you're only driving the Montero 20 miles per hour, you won't need another vehicle for a LONG time (sorry, couldn't resist...  )
Tim, if your ladder is too big to carry inside the Cherokee, add a roof rack (if you don't already have one) and you'll be all set. Just don't be surprised by the wind-tunnel noise that a flat aftermarket rack will add. At first you'll think your transmission is about to fall out.
Originally Posted By: jrooff This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Joseph, this little hummer will run in the neighborhood of $13,000. -$16,000.00 unpainted. and I had to travel about 700 miles one way to pick it up. It has an inline 4 cylinder, 16-18 mpg’s top end is 65-70 mph, 5 speed with a high and low shifter, and you will not belive me but it rides smother than my 02 F 250 and it’s 23’6" long and the pinz is only 16’10" bumper to bumper. And you talk about a blast to drive, OH YA.
The 4 cylinder is also air cooled and the Swiss model has BREAKERS not fuses, yes a breaker panel on the dash board.
To find out more just type in “pinzguaer 710 m” on google and you will find about 10-15 sites. Or ask me anything I found a guy that has 2 of the and knows a ton about them.