At an inspection yesterday and found a vertical crack from the ridge of a the first level floor to the upper edge of the second level floor wall. Interior and exterior portions of the foundation were fine. Didn’t see any interior damage to wall or ceilings and all doors to this area closed without rub/stick.
Plan on referring out to a LE, but wanted some insight to see if you guys have ever seen this sort of crack. And any input if you have. Its most likely due to settlement, but I didn’t see any of cracks. Unalble to tell if crack is active. The site was built on farm land about 40 years ok, located in eastern NC with sandy soils.
It depends on the configuration. The photo on the left, as in my case, split to the weak side (left). The photo on the right is symmetrical and could split in the center.
I my pictures cracks developed due to a lack of horizontal support. Cracks above a garage door, like in your photos, is caused by a weak lintel or a combination of a weak lintel and beam if they are bolted together.
a couple of push pins set exactly at a specified xyz inches below the lintel with a string line will quickly determine if sag is occurring, dental floss works well
take a measurement at the crack from lintel to string
sag will be a less than the end benchmark xyz inches
all can be kept in an old film canister or small pill bottle
also works for confirming sags at eaves, ridge and other locations
y’all can figure out how to fill the two tiny holes
So the vertical is cause by separation from both ends while a horizontal cracking on the sloped roof is more likely a angle stop issue on the one side from what i see hear and in the picture Chris posted the veneer is not sitting on an angled plane but on a flat lintel meaning it is possible the lintel is deflecting from the weight.
Would tuck pointing be recommended if settled or replacement every single time.