Water Heater Plumbing Corrosion


I have a question, I attached a picture of the corrosion below. Do I write this up on a home inspection? I was wondering if it is any type of corrosion that will call any damage to the plumbing system.

Would I say, Plumbing pipe on top of the water heater was found to be corroded. Recommend further evaluation by a qualified plumbing contractor.

Just kind of asking around.

Skip the evaluation by a plumber part.

Basically you need to write, It’s broke. Fix it and move on.

You might add, no active leaking at time of inspection.


So mainly is this consider to be lime scale build-up that can be brushed off by a wire brush. Just recommended to be cleaned?

I don’t carry a chemistry set with me.

Note the corrosion, recommend service and move on.

Troubleshooting causes is not our job.

Thanks Michael

Galvanic corrosion was noted. Recommend using dielectric unions
where dissimilar metals are joined (i.e. copper to galvanized).

Unless you are in the habit of scraping away the built up corrosion, how did you determine it did not have dielectric pipe nipples?

I understand Mike, But that one is obvious.Huh ?


A small leak at the threads into tank can make the same mess.

Copper going into steel .
Can I ask you a question?
It may not be galvanic corrosion , but would not those nipples you posted do the trick?
Dissimilar metals?Huh ?
I think so.

I can’t see any copper going into steal.

I don’t know what is under that mess.

Why speculate?

Go out and look at your heater.
You will see steal in most situations. Blue steel, they want them to deterator to sell you another.

I repeat.

There is no way to know if a dielectric nipple is in place or not from the photo posted.

Do what you want. It’s your reputation.:roll::roll:

If you want to claim that, explain why it is only on one side.

I’m out.

It’s probably happening on the hot side.
Mike have you ever see Au do that?

Yes I would write it up

“There is a heavy corrosion buildup on water supply line; even though there is no active leakage present at time of inspection, it can fail and leak at anytime and should be repaired. Refer to a plumbing contractor for corrective repair.”

How do you guys know there is no leak?

It’ not going to be wet for long at 120F.

Same as Mike not seeing steel.

Don’t make stuff up you don’t know.