water heater

Originally Posted By: jane molina
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This shows a gas WH . I take it these wires are for thermostate but

how do you turn the burner on when there is nowhere to adjust the

tempeture. usually there is a red dial and you turn it rht /lft to degree needed

but this did not have one visible , why?Also when a WH has eneogh hot water in the tank the burner won’t lite untill there is a short supply even when

you turn the hot faucet on for five minutes , is this normal?

[ Image: http://www.nachi.org/bbsystem/usrimages/more/wire%20wt.jpg ]

Originally Posted By: cmccann
This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.

Is that the cover plate? Did you remove it?


Originally Posted By: rcallis
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Is this a power vent water heater? Most gas units have a standing pilot light. If it is a power vent unit, the burner won't come on until the vent is proven. It must have electricity to operate.


Originally Posted By: jane molina
This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.

This is the lft side of the unit , the rht side is nothing but metal and no dial

I did not take the cover off this is what it look like . Gas main was on the

far lft. plenty of hot water in the house just no pilot lite goes on even after

7 straight minutes. how can there be so much hot water for so long without

a pilot lite going on. What do you me vent must proven?

Originally Posted By: rcallis
This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.


It you can get the make and model of the water heater I may be able to help. I can't identify anything from the picture.