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Please pick an answer before scrolling down as some members can not resist the temptation to post the answers before everyone has a chance to vote.
According to which SOP?
BTW… you forgot “Don’t tase me Bro”!
Let’s get a few answers to the Poll and discuss your question tomorrow Jeffrey. But I can tell you can see where I was going .
Post #2
vote everyone
I always did, and it is in the SOP.
3.6. Plumbing
I. The inspector shall:
[li]determine and report whether the water supply is public or private.[/li][/LIST][/INDENT]
I see where some of you are going to state the following.
Nachi says YES
State Whatever says NO
From past experience in dealing with codes and compliance here is my input take it for what it is worth.
Whenever you are governed by multiple sets of rules you must always follow the stricter of the sets.
If you are licensed in your state as an inspector then you have guidelines determined by your state regarding your inspections.
If you are a member of any association then you agree to abide by the standards set by the association.
Therefore all inspectors in this association that are in licensed states have two sets of standards to abide by. You essentially take the stricter ruling of each and operate by a hybrid standard.
In this case if your state does not require the identification of water supply but InterNACHI does then you by default add the InterNACHI requirement to your Standard
Dosen" all describe what this is automatically in their reports when they see it, regardless of what the SOP dictates?
or describe what this is on your report when you inspect?
Seems like you would automatically be describing a private water source or city if you did.
Marcel… generically yes, but I have run accross a (mechanical) meter installed on a private system a few times. These typically are on “community wells” where a home owner with a high GPM (as from a Artesian well) is supplying neighboring homes. The only clue of these systems is typically there is no pressure tank in the home. It is usually located at the well head before the water distribution system. Rarley do I see a secondary pressure tank in a home, usually only if there is a long distance from the well head.
Jeffrey hit on the answer here. It really depends on what SOP you use and reference in your Inspection Documents.
Here in AZ using the State Mandated SOP we are not required to determine whether the Water Supply, or Waste System for that matter, is Public or Private.
As for the suggestion to use 2 SOP’s, that seems to me to be very hard to implement. I can not even imagine how you would note that in your Contract.
You have agreed to be governed by 2 SOPS there is no need to be noted for use in any contract. By all means note that you follow the State SOP as you are required to in order to operate in your state.
What do you do that is above and beyond your current SOP now?
The Identification of Water supply or Waste System is no different.
As a member of any association you agree to be bound by and follow their guidelines. You simply add the requirement to your inspection.
Lets say for instance that your state guidelines have no restrictions on Agent kickbacks. Being a member of InterNACHI you know it is prohibited. Therefore you are not allowed to do it as long as you are a member.
If your state says you may not offer repair services for 6 months after the inspection, and InterNACHI states you can not offer repair services for 12 months after the inspection. Then you are by default as a member of the association bound to the 12 month time frame.
No, I have agreed to abide by my States SOP, and all the information in all of my Inspection related documents reflect that.
This is how InterNACHI covers dual SOP’s…
Yes, if the InterNACHI SOP exceeds but does not conflict with the states SOP I will include source of water.