WDO requirements?

I need clarification on WDO protocal.
Is regular wood rot considered a WDO and does an inspector who is doing a termite inspection and already ruled out evidence of live WDO need to list the wood rot on WDO report?
Thanks for any help on this.
PRP Home Inspections
DeLand, Fl.

Wood decay is caused by fungi(WDO), and must be listed on the state 13645 form. If he filled out the form and did not include it(assuming it was visible, accessible and part of the home) then he filled it out incorrectly and it could be considered faulty by DACS.

“Regular wood rot” , as you state, is open to interpretation, and may not meet the definition of wood decay/fungi, as listed on the Florida Form.

The inspector must meet the qualifications to issue the report.


How does wood decay if not by fungi?

I am guessing this but think something can decay from excessive moisture and not necessarily fungi?

I am no scientist but know water is a universal solvent and will eventually destroy most things.

If wood is decaying, then it is being destroyed by an organism, (WDO). All visual wood rot is reported on the form, but the WDO inspector can’t offer an opinion of structural integrity. I do a lot of follow up assessments after WDO and appraisals for that very reason (as a contractor).

Wood does not decay with water only, it is the fungus that causes the decay.

Their is “moisture damaged wood” and their is “wood rot”. Wood rot should be identifiable as brown rot, white rot, or other various fungi that would be reported on a WDO.

In Connecticut we use form NPMA-33 a wood destroying insect inspection report. Nothing to do with wood rot.

Way back when I took the WDO course given by Dr. Soo (sp), scientifically, the fungi which caused the wood to rot, was a living organism. It is the reason that wood destroying fungi is present on the wood destroying form.

As John stated, wood rot is a result of fungus which requires moisture. Wet rot, dry rot what ever you want to call it, was at one time caused by a fungi.

As to your question, it is a requirement from the State that any wood destroying organism as defined by the State, must be identified and the locations as well, and placed on the form. It has been that way since the old 1145 form.

As a home inspector, I would suggest you word your reports in the following manner: Damaged wood observed in xxx location. I would avoid using the words wood rot , termites, or anything else remotely related to a wood destroying organism. Unless licensed to do so, you are operating out of the scope of your license, unless you posses a license for pest control, wdo inspector, etc. Several inspectors have been fined for that very thing.

Moisture can damage wood, such as delamination.

Thanks to all for your opinions :slight_smile:

This is a FL section. We don’t care about CT!:roll: