
Just seeing if anyone here has wdo license with flordia, I think I did the test with internachi not sure though I know that’s not enough to perform wdo inspections , if anyone here does hold a license can you direct me how to go upon getting it , any information would be appreciated

Thank you

It is not enough for a certificate. The Pest control guys had their sh-t together when they had to get licenses. It’s a whole friggen process. Easier just to get someone to do it.

Guess What

They do not think it is unethical to fix problems they find either. Seems strange a G.C. who is also a H.I. does not have the same rights.

Go here.

That’s the link Greg!
Jim, if you need any other info or insight do not hesitate to call. It depends if you refer, sub-contract or do it yourself thru someone’s ticket.
Had the license over 30 years, have taught state re-certification class.

Thank guys

You must work for a Certified Pest Control Operator with a Pest Control license and carry a WDO ID card. To get a license(business) you must be an Operator in the categories that you want to work in(WDO, GHP, Fume and L&O). To qualify for the operator’s certificate you must work in for three years and be signed of for the category.

They have a business license, a Certified Operator and an ID card for employees, all must be in place.

Locked up and all theirs. Smart folks who set them up.

Wood Destroying Organisms (WDO) Inspections

For years customers have asked me to perform WDO Inspections, but I knew it would be impossible for me to be in compliance with Florida law pertaining to WDO Inspections.

Wood Destroying Organisms (WDO) Inspections is considered pest control under Florida Statute 482.

Those performing WDO Inspections must be employees of licensed pest control companies and carry a valid pest control identification card and not operate as independent contractors.

Recently in my area of Duval County a Home Inspector was found in violation by conducting WDO inspections as an independent contractor.
The penalty was revocation of his Pest Control ID Cards and a fine of $4,500.00.

I wonder if an (illegal) WDO Inspection performed in conjunction with a home inspection by the same person that person could also face a penalty of revocation of their Home Inspection license and a hefty fine?

Florida* Statutes 482.*
* 482.021 Definitions.—*For the purposes of this chapter, and unless otherwise required by the context, the term:

* (8) *“Employee” means a person who is employed by a licensee that provides that person with necessary training, supervision, pesticides, equipment, and insurance and who receives compensation from and is under the personal supervision and direct control ofthe licensee’s certified operator in charge and from whose compensation the licensee regularly deducts and matches federal insurance contributions and federal income and Social Security taxes.

* (13) *“Independent contractor” means an entity separate from the licensee that:
* (a) *Receives moneys from a customer which are deposited in a bank account other than that of the licensee;
* (b) *Owns or supplies its own service vehicle, equipment, and pesticides;
* © *Maintains a business operation, office, or support staff independent of the licensee’s direct control;
* (d) *Pays its own operating expenses such as fuel, equipment, pesticides, and materials; or
* (e) *Pays its own workers’ compensation as an independent contractor.

Motor Vehicles are also required to be permanently marked with the WDO Licensee’s name on both sides of the vehicle.

Richard Haynes