The new members-only page is live. It includes all new ‘dashboard’ view of your account, including links to commonly-used members-only tools like the online inspection agreement system, information about consumer clicks to your inspection website that are coming through InterNACHI search engines, and your educational transcript. It also allows you to add and subtract ancillary inspection services, access the technical library, view membership statistics, take practice exams, improve your SEO, nominate a member for an award, access exclusive vendor discounts, print off receipts, and install NACHI.TV’s consumer videos on your website.
Very nice Nick! Thanks.
I saw that earlier, Cool.
Nicely done. The iNachi BB continues to improve!
Very nice Nick,
Thank you.
Beauchemin Marc-Andre,
from Brossard-Quebec-Canada
Thanks Nick, the benefits just keep coming.
Very nice! I like it!
I like it as well; very useful.
Very Nice: Thanks Nick
Someone has been updating this site…cool.
Simple is the next billion dollar thing.
TY very well organized…
Perhaps, now that it has been created, there should be a nice simple place to access it, such as a tab that says “Members Only” under the Membership index at the left of the web page?
Would the “top right” of the MB page do for you (where it has always been)??? :p;-)
Yes Jeffrey, that works;-)
Very good
Thanks Nick
Bravo! Thanks.
Awesome job Nick, and it’s great that guys can embed videos again!