Your about me page:!about-me/mainPage is better than your home page IMHO. More reasons to hire you.
This is underlined on your site and it looks like a live link. I clicked on it. It is dead.
The bottom of your about me page has a blue link to schedule. It is dead. Underlined text and blue text buried within black text indicates live links. Make sure you don’t do that unless they are live.
Your email address is dead on your about page.
Your column of images on that page are nice.
Your “Certified Move In” should be Move In Certified on!sellers-pre-listing-inspection/c7h2
You switched to a bold and new font on that page, inconsistent with rest of site.
You underlined text on that page but they are dead links.
Here are some more talking points for that page that you can use:
Dead email link again.
I’d put space between the InterNACHI logo and your logo. Looks goofy otherwise.
thank you so much for taking the time to critique this. Your changes
will be happening soon.
Overall, it needs some aesthetic work, some SEO work, and more reasons to specifically hire you pushed to the top of the home page.