Well, it took me decades but I finally got my credit score up

Only now I don’t need credit.



Same, me neither.


Young adults don’t realize the importance of that credit score.

I finally have great credit at a time of my life when I have no more use for it.

that is generally how that works…

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I’m at about the same level (825) and don’t need it. When you need it you can’t get it, LOL


I’ve been over 800 for years. I did a streamline refinance a few years ago. “Streamline” my arse! Gotta say that I still jumped through every hoop and over every hurdle like my score was 500. I was pretty pissed by the end of the process. I did four P&Ls for them. I’ll have the house paid off next year and good riddance to them.

And then this morning, I saw that my company debit card has been compromised and three transfers have been made in the last couple of days. Sheesh, I barely use that card, but the criminal jerks still somehow got the number. And so it goes.

Being debt free was a mistake on my part. When interest rates were low, I should have bought 5 more rentals.