Well Testing

I have a realtor that tells me the mortgage company may request a well inspection. Other than the normal visual stuff that I was able to see on it, what else would be involved. Besides water sampling.

They may require a flow test which you run the water at the highest point in the house for 30 minutes. Then fill a one gallon bucket in 20 seconds, this will verify that the flow rate is at least 3 gallons per minute.

Are you sure they aren’t talking about a water analysis? I have a protocol for that if you need it.

I don’t get into inspecting wells and you shouldn’t either unless you have some expertise in that. I make it clear in my contract that my inspection of the water system begins after the pressure tank.

I send a camera all the way to the bottom and inspect the liner and also report bottom conditions. Cost is $245.00 also a FHA water test $145.00
and flow test along with inspection of the expansion tank.:mrgreen:

Since some asked, here is the protocol I received from a laboratory I use. (I use a torch to sterilize because they are easier to cary in my truck–don’t want to risk having a liquid spill in the vehicle.)


Water Sampling Protocol

  • Use 120 mL bottles for total coliform. Use 250 mL bottles for other parameters, such as metals.

  • If possible, choose a faucet that is infrequently used; avoid swinging or screened faucets that are common in kitchens and bathrooms. These faucets may breed bacteria at the joints and empty necks and give a positive growth that is not indicative of the quality of the water inside the well or water pipes. Also, avoid spigots with leaking packing nuts and garden hoses. Outside faucets usually make the best sample points.

  • Remove any screening devices that may be on the faucet. Check for and remove any debris, spider webs, etc., especially from outside faucets.

  • Using a wash bottle, apply chlorine solution or rubbing alcohol to the inside of the faucet. An alternate solution is to sterilize the faucet with a propane torch (metal faucets only). Then, open the faucet and thoroughly flush the line at a moderate flow rate for 5 minutes.

  • Reduce the flow to a gentle stream before collecting the sample. The flow should not be so strong that it creates splashing or so slow that sporadic sprays occur.

  • Open the container without laying the lid down or otherwise contaminating the inner surface.

  • Do not rinse the bottle. Fill the bottle to the neck, leaving a little headspace. **Be sure to get at least 100 mL of sample. **The lab must have at least 100 mL of sample to run the analysis.

  • Carefully replace the lid. Keep the sample preserved in an iced cooler during transportation to the lab. The max. hold time for the sample is 30 hours if it is kept on ice. The sample must be on ice unless it is delivered to the lab within 45 minutes.

  • Fill out the chain of custody form showing time, date, location of sample, your name and address. You also must sign the form when you relinquish the sample to another person. An unbroken chain of custody is required for certified results.

  • Label the bottle so the lab can identify the sample.

*]Samples must be received no later than 3:00 p.m. on Thursday or two days prior to an observed holiday. Special arrangements must be made for samples to be received after the specified time and date and may be subject to weekend and/or holiday charges.

Hi Joe,

Do you have a phone number for K&W Laboratories? I would like to get up with them if possible.


did a web search – nothing.