I am trying to find information on getting or making a template for doing inspections and for making a completed report for the client. Do inspectors used PDF’s? Do they fill them out during the inspection or just take notes and fill it out after?
Most of us use inspection software.
Hasn’t report writing discussed in any of your training yet? I see you are a “CPI”, even though you only joined an hour ago.
Anyway most inspectors use professional software, though some have created their own. Do whatever works best for you.
I haven’t had any training on report writing yet. I just completed the basic requirements to be a CPI. Am i missing a training section on report writing?
All of you training was how to inspect and report. You will need to experiment with different software to learn how to properly report to your customers.
You will need to find a workflow that “works” for you. The template you will use is the SOP whether it be InterNACHI’s or the state your reporting in (some licensed states have their own SOP). SOPs tend to be the minimum requirements and most of us exceed the SOP in some area to stay competitive (it’s a jungle out there).
Some complete reports on site and use their phone. Although I have the software on my phone to do that, I generally just take a lot of pictures and write the report back at the office. In either case you will want software that is organized and you can modify (to suit specific needs - condo vs. house (tweaks for your state)) to write the report with.
You should complete your profile to indicate your location (state) so more specific help can reach you.
Inspectortoolbelt.com has premade templates for you - adding more coming soon too
I am not pushing any particular software. I think it is informative because you can see several ways to lay out a report.
Here are sample from Spectora
Here are samples from HomeGauge (the one I do use, desktop writer)
Here are samples from Inspector Tool belt.
There are more, keep digging thru them, read a bunch of reports and use the trial versions. You will get there. Best of luck.
Welcome to our forum, Randal!..Enjoy participating.
Hey Randal, one way to get rolling is to first find a software that fits your style by getting a trial version of a couple. I use HomeGauge because the company I work for uses it. I have a good friend back east that really likes and uses Home Inspector Pro. It’s totally different than HG. Then you can get pre written narratives for the SW you chose from inspectoroutlet.com and you are essentially off to the races. If they don’t have a specific narrative library for the SW you choose, you can also get the narrative library in a generic word and excel format. Good luck.
New inspectors should NEVER try to do on-site reporting until after mastering the inspection process. You need to be focusing on the home, not trying to input data to your phone!!
There is so much involved in learning a software and setting it up to your preferred layout, narratives, etc. (and it’s a never ending task) that you need to focus on just the software back at your office. MANY newer inspectors post here and on FB with constant problems with the software (ALL software) and a laundry list of other problems while in the field. The problems are typically NOT with the software, but with the fact it was never properly learned how to use it. Do yourself a favor and don’t fall into that trap. There are no shortcuts in this business. Trying to take one could just put you out of business!!
Welcome to our forum, Randall!..enjoy participating.