What is the going rate?

Just out of curiosity, and I’d like to know where the rates are after licensing, what would you charge for a 1983, split level with 2 furnaces, attached garage. 1750 sq/ft. I charge as a minimum $495.00. Where are the rest of the Alberta home inspectors at? Now let’s not turn this into the typical Nachi…My dick is Bigger than yours match…I’d like to hear some serious numbers to compare and to possibly up the rate for us.

I’m just getting started but I would charge about $500 but often accept $450 if that’s what it takes. Every customer says the other guy only wants $X, that’s when I would go to $450 but no lower.

When and if Licensing does come to Ontario my rate will go up to match the added cost to be licensed. I am not sure what it costs you Mike but I would say at least $1500.00 more/year.
It would be Higher than the number you have provided and more like $550.00+HST

The average HI in Montreal is $500.00
If you offer an average service then change an average rate.

If the costs of doing business increase then so should your rates.
Just my 2 cents.