What is the NACHI Foundation and what do we do....

Originally Posted By: gjohnson
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Blaine Wiley

Earl Beahm

Lisa Williams

Carla Horne

And Ken Trice

The next logical thought is what do we do with this money and why should you donate. So far our accomplishments to date have been (Stolen from John Bowman?s post)

1. Habitat for Humanity donations (Smoke detectors)
2. The Clemons Fund ($1,000.00)
3. The NACHI Foundation Scholarship - (Awarded our first scholarship)
4. The Ian Smith family of Maui, Hawaii - (500.00) Ian was a NACHI member who died in a snowboarding accident.
5. "The Clinic" in Philadelphia, PA. ($1,000.00)
6. Sweepings Cay Island - (Smoke detectors). Over $600 worth
7. Over 7000 Public Service Announcements on Smoke Detector Awareness.

While some people are going to say that we are setting our goals to high we have some very extensive goals coming out over the next few years. What we do has many affects in the community and our members, if we can do something in a high impact area and get news coverage for it. It becomes priceless.

We have many goals and aspirations over the coming months and years. We have just developed a premier partnership with First Alert who will be donating many, many smoke detectors to our Safe House Campaign, plus using their PR people to push out our radio ads. Our goal was to raise $25,000 in the year of 2004 so far we have achieved about $3500. Over the next few months threw raffles and other fundraisers we hope to get things rolling. With the help of NACHI adding that check box to each application, the Foundation will be able to get things going.


Safe House Campaign ? This is the project by which we are doing such things as working to make every house the safest house it can be. So far we have done things as donating smoke alarms (regular and hearing impaired), during the clock change we ran a radio ad that was played around 7000 time reminding people to check their batteries.

Foundation Scholarship- This year we gave away our first $500.00 scholarship to a young lady going to the University of Notre Dame to major in Architecture. We hope to give more away every year and to increase the amount we are giving away till we are giving away a full scholarship yearly.

Cell Phone Donations ? Every year 1000s of cell phones are thrown away or discarded. One of these could save someone?s life. The Foundation has partnered with another charity to accept any used cell phones we can give them. They then recondition the phone and give them to battered woman, elderly, and other needy people. The phones are used for emergency dialing of 911.

Our Newest Program and one that I think will become one of the best out there is
Alliance for Accesible Living: Every year many people are injured and/or become disabled. The NACHI Foundation through your donations and partnership with hospitals, contractors and rehab centers across the country will help these people by having their houses rehabbed for their new lifestyle or disability. (For Instance lowering the counters in a kitchen for someone who is wheel chair stricken.)

I hope I covered as much as I cold tonight. If any of the foundation members see that I forgot anything, please feel free to add.

If you would like to make a donation you can do it one of two ways

1) Send Check or Money order made Payable to:
The NACHI Foundation
PO BOX 722
Millersville, MD 21108

or send it via paypal to donations@nachifoundation.org

Oh yea, our website is being desinged as we speak and will be available next week.

Gary (Snicker's) Johnson - Free NACHOS
The NACHI Foundation
Executive Director


Originally Posted By: Nick Gromicko
This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.

Everyone please try to donate something, even if only $5 or $10. Full participation from our membership is what counts. So many good things come from giving. It really is how the universe works.

Nick Gromicko



I much prefer email to private messages.

Originally Posted By: loconnor
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I have a question on the Cell Phone Donation program

If we collect cell phones in another state, like here in Michigan, do
we send them to you or who ever? What happens after that?

After that, what areas are benefitted by this program?

Are the rehabbed phones given to needy people in
Maryland... or any state?

How exactly does this work?

I'm looking at having a blurb put in a column in the local
paper, but I wanted to get an understanding of how this
works, when I'm asked the same questions.


Western Michigan NACHI Chapter

"We confide in our strength
without boasting of it.
We respect that of others
without fearing it"
Thomas Jefferson

Originally Posted By: John Bowman
This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.

Larry O.

I'll attempt to answer your question(?)(s). ![icon_lol.gif](upload://zEgbBCXRskkCTwEux7Bi20ZySza.gif)

1. I am acting as a collection point for the NACHI Foundation in New York along with Gary in Maryland. We are working with partnering with a cell phone collection agency that may provide free shipping in the near future. I would strongly suggest that you collect as many phone as you can and hold on to them until we get this partnership solidified.

2. After the Foundation Collects Cell Phones they are delivered to personnel who refurbish them for distribution to organizations who hand them out to the elderly, domestic violence victims, or homeless.

3. Cell phones are collected and distributed to any areas that have 911 assistance. As long as cell phones are operational they all have 911 access.

4. Cell phones are distributed all over the United States and Canada. Some other foreign country's may also be included but I'm not absolutely sure which ones. The primary distribution for these though is the U.S.
So to answer your question, if there is a 911 service in an area, local domestic abuse , elderly , or homeless programs will have access to these cell phones to distribute in there area.
