Originally Posted By: jane molina This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I found the device pictured below under the sink in a 12 year old house. It is on the hot water line leading to the dishwasher. There was no air gap on the drain line.
Originally Posted By: tvargas This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
The device is a water safety valve. It will not let water flow unless the machine calls for water. It is a back up to the installed water valve. The idea is no water can flow on a bad valve or a valve failure. I read the Miele manual after finding two of these today. BTW you must leave the dishwasher power on for the valve safety to work properly. There is a control cable inside the gray line containing the water line.
The manual also said that no air gap was required on the incoming water line because it was built into the dishwaher to prevent contamination of the City water. Our air gaps are to provide for prevention of contamination of the inside of the dishwater.