Please respond with what lab you use for mold testing- thinking air-o-cell cassettes, bio-tape slides and mold sampling swabs. Name of lab, possibly website name, possibly pricing? Thanks!!!
Where are you located?
Wow JJ, quit asking hard questions. You’re scaring away the new members.
I guess so. It’s been two days , so far, and no reply. Why does this not surprise me?
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Pro lab, 25ish per sample, next day results. Most of the time they get back to me same day.
Lick test - Free - On-site results - If you survive or don’t
Wish this conversation would’ve continued, I’m interested in what y’all had to say. Still checking my boxes to get up and running, located in Illinois and looking for all advise concerning mold testing.
Start a thread with your topic.
Breeze IAQ pump/ Priority Lab.
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I have had very good service from PRO-LAB. You can buy their test media on Inspector Outlet at a discount.
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