Not PVC, not cast iron, not clay pipe. Each piece is 10 ft, interior surface is smooth, similar to clay pipe. Maybe concrete pipe ?
Looks like it might be Transite.
A clean one.
How old is the house?
A possibility could be that the lateral has been relined.
House is 1950s. I don’t think it is reline, every 10 ft section is very clear. At first impression, I agree with Matt, it might be Transite. But not sure. House is in NJ btw.
First thought was Orangeburg… but don’t see any of the typical failure types in your pics.
Yeah, that almost does look like a liner but is just a bit too thin I think. The sewer at the last house I sold had to be relined and I got a video after and you really couldn’t see any aggregate at all… it just looked like a thick plastic/rubber material.
Edit: I just got curious enough to send a pic to my old sewer contractor I used over in Oregon. He’s been doing scopes and sewers for 20+ years and I’ve probably personally watched him do more than a thousand. He says Transite… I guess I was paying attention
Agree, most possibly, Transite.