Good Day to you all;
Prior to my inspector training, (among other things) I am to read and understand section 9 of the Canadian Building Code. I realize that an inspector is not required to do code work, I believe that they just want you to have an understanding of it. However; I can’t find it anywhere without purchasing the whole code. Can anyone help me?
This is a joke right?
Stop wasting time searching for a FREE copy. We all made this purchase, and if you are serious about this profession…I suggest you purchase this invaluable document!
BTW it is PART 9 not SECTION 9. Part 9 references other parts of the building code book so without the entire book part 9 is pretty much useless.
You should get a copy of the code for your province as each province adapts the code to their specific conditions. In Alberta the code is available from the Queens printer, NAIT or SAIT’s book store. The Nation Research Council also sells the Alberta code. My order form does not list other provinces but maybe thats because I live in Alberta. Hard copy or on CD. I have the CD version on my tablet in case I need to look something up when on site. You should also have the plumbing code and electrical code.
electrical code For residential is usually available from your local lumber yard, Rona, Home depot.
what manual was it?
and you would be wise to actually take the 2 part 9 courses, it will run you about a grand when it’s all said and done.
but as Mario says it is invaluable.
Section 9 is very large. BCIT has a course devoted to section 9. Section 9 refers to many other appendixes and sections etc. I have been studying section 9 at BCIT for some time. Recommend the course its under $1000.00 including the BC Building code and it is cheaper to buy it from BCIT then the Queens printer.
For those InterNachi members who want a soft copy of the guide for their computer or PDA to reference while inspecting I will post the link to a useful site on the inside board.
**Get the CD version so you can put it on your tablet or laptop computer and search for info you want to check. As a registered owner you get updates “standata” alerting you to changes and corrections. The code is good for ten years. The last one was enacted on September 2006 for Alberta. You must get the code for your province as each province makes changes that fit their local conditions. **