Why are these tools used in HI

Originally Posted By: jstone
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I see posts talking about gas detectors, clamp-on meters and moisture meters and I am trying to figure out why some of these tools would be used in home inspecting.

I could understand the moisture meter somewhat but I don't see the need for a clamp-on meter according to the SOP. The gas detector looks like a real fine opening for liability suits in the future is you don't use it on all of the gas line joints.

If someone would be so kind as to educate me about these and other tools I may have missed, I would be interested and thankful.

Originally Posted By: dfrend
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Good point, but you miss one fact. The SOP’s are not a law you must follow to the letter and cannot do anything else. They are a minimum guideline. Guidelines like the SOP are meant to be a minimum, designed for the inspector trained to an industry standard minimum. So any inspector should be able to complete all the tasks required in the SOP.

The tools you describe, for the most part, would be used by those exceeding the expectations of the SOP. Notice in the SOP the use in the exclusions and limitations area of "not required to". It says that for a reason. Notice it does not say "Cannot". So you are not "required" to inspect with detection equipment or other specialty devices, but you CAN. Of course, anyone using advanced equipment should be trained to the proper level.

Daniel R Frend
The Home Inspector Store

Originally Posted By: clawrenson
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In addition - inspection tools help “verify” an inspectors observations or areas of concern. I always caution though the need to realize most inspections are still 95% visual based on an inspectors observation skills accompanied with knowledge and experience. Remember your sense of smell and hearing are part of your tool-kit!

On the issue of exceeding the SOP - I also caution it can also bring or add additional layers of risk.

So work at your comfort level - providing it at least meets the minimum SOP.

Regards, Claude

Ontario Home Inspections Inc.