I went with A. Hip Roof. But the form still does not make it clear that is the correct answer.
My Two cents:
Can I have another cup of coffee now?
Richard and John
If a roof has a 2/12 pitch and gable ends. Can it be considered flat? Or would you mark it other, measure the gable height with pictures, label them low gable, and let the underwriter decide ?
You have to do the math and measure all sides of the home to know the answer.
Some manuals state 2:12 and another states 1:12 is flat
A flat roof is checked by being more than 10% in sq measurements and a non-hip is measured by linear measurements. They are checked separately. You can have a roof classified as flat even with gable ends.
“A roof edge begins and ends at each change in direction of the fascia board” Gables are measured across the bottom cord.
Another manual states that you can take measurements form an Arial shot, which would include overhangs.
Not measuring overhangs, then would you not count carports? What about a cantilevered porch roof?
I do not see any other way but to include them.
Most of the wind mitigation experts I am familer with, including Bill York classify a 2"/12" or less roof pitch as flat.
I agree that this roof geometry guestion on the form is written very badly. It’s so badly written that it is silly and I don’t really want to get into it because of the fear of confusing people.
John & richard
As far as pitch adjustment, would you call a 2/12 pitch with gable ends flat ? Or would you call it other, label the picture with gable height and let the underwriter decide ?
sorry for the repeat guys. My bad. I appreciate your input.
We and our quest to be accurate are not the problem, you just identified the problem. THE FORM IS THE PROBLEM. I think you are correct about the hip roof unless the square area of the flat is over 10%. It cannot be 150 sq ft, that calculation leaves off the area of flat roof behind the point where the flat roof extends beyond the fascia onto the rear roof field.