How would you calculate this flat roof on a hip roof? I’m thinking taking the total perimeter of the roof (longest lines) and the the 3 sides of the flat roof as non-hip feature to calculate non-hip percentage.
That section looks like a mansard roof from here. I think that would fall into the “other roof” category
For wind mitigation purposes, if non-hip features are less than 10% of the total, then it still qualifies as hip.
A quick glance would make me believe the answer is “other”, but that was not the question.
Question is: how is the calculation made in this case?
Hip Roof Calculation
A hip roof is calculated by the measuring the length of the non-hip roof roofs (document on the form).
The total perimeter is measured (document on the form). The total non-hip roof perimeters are then divided by the total roof perimeter. If the answer is less than 10%, then the roof is considered to be a HIP roof, and “A. Hip Roof” should be indicated on the form.
Flat (Non hip): 12+15+12= 39’
Total Perimeter: 45’+24’+10’+12’+15’+12’+20’+24’= 162’
Non-hip divided by total 39’ / 162’ = 24.07% or NON-HIP.