Wind Mitigation forms question

Do insurance companies prefer the Wind Mitigation Forms or do WInd Mitigation template reports work just as well for them? Looking to provide Wind Mitigation reports as a service and wondering what others submit to them for their reports. Thanks!

What is this difference you speak of

I haven’t actually done one yet, only practice ones, so that’s what I’m wondering if they have a preference in which way it is submitted. I guess it’s all the same info so doesn’t matter huh?

Uniform Mitigation Verification Inspection Form OIR-B1-1802 (Rev. 01/12) Adopted by Rule 69O-170.0155 is the only one I have used for the past 3 years. No problems with it. Just get the right software to easily fill out.

Uniform Mitigation Verification Inspection Form OIR-B1-1802 (Rev. 01/12) Adopted by Rule 69O-170.0155 is the only one I have used for the past 3 years. No problems with it. Just get the right software to easily fill out.

Cool thanks! Yeah that’s what I have been practicing with and leaning towards, I just didn’t know if doing it in Spectora if was easier to add pictures for the items, which the insurance companies might like more or not.

They only like the exact format and the actual form.
Some folks add a logo to the thing, it doesn’t help or matter.

That’s helpful to know, thanks! So are there pictures they want submitted of certain things? or just the form with the info is all they’re looking for?

You should take a quality Wind Mit class (try to get an in-person class, you’ll learn a ton).

You must take certain photos, and take clear ones at that, or the form will be kicked right back.

Gotcha, thanks.

Spectora has a template for it. Makes it easy. You just click on the relevant info, add the pics, and send.

I usually go the extra step and save it as a PDF for them, that way its attached in an email, and they just forward to their agent.


Haven’t done a test run on a Wind Mit Spectora template yet but plan to next. Thanks!