Originally Posted By: bob haller
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I think your industry has a problem.
I am a sellar, and the first sale fell thru after the home inspection report.
I did have the furnace serviced, for the second time in a year. Also had a gas valve on the brand new hot water tank replaced although in both cases the professional furnace guy and plumber found no leaks or troubles:(
I did update all the basement outlets to GFCIs, including the sump pump outlet after the first inspector swore up and down it was necessary.
But honestly other than these items I didnt do anything else.
Home inspection number 2.....
This inspector was more critical than the first. Odd thing if you put the inspections side by side you would think they are 2 different homes:(
Somehow one would think they would at minimum be similiar. The second fellow marks anything not perfect as defencies, maintence isnt a catergory for him. I mentioned NACHI, he doesnt believe in your group:( sorry.
I called the local building inspector, a single floor joist was cut 50 years ago for the bathtub drain. Its like this in every home in the plan. The home inspector called for jackposts. The building inspector said not necessary. He remarked I hate home inspectors, I get these calls every day from sellars, inspectors are trying to get everything updated to todays standards in old homes, which isnt possible. Incidently this didnt come up on the first inspection.
This time I am replacing a perfectly good smp pump. adding two unnecessay jackposts, and replacing a working fine bathtub drain.. inspector wrote up barrel trap as obsolete and being green. he fails to realize copper turns green naturally, just look at the statue of liberty. So far I will have spent a couple grand fixing stuff that wasnt broke:(
The second buyer nearly backed out too. I happen to know a relative of his.
Now certinally everyone needs to get a good safe home. But perfection isnt possible.
Someday a government bureaucrat will be selling a home and BOOM your industry will be put under tight control. Or the media will get involved. Home inspection reports should at least look similiar:(
Either way its sad. People need pros to inspect houses but it appears theres a wide discrepancy on just how things are graded.
Its as bad for the buyer as sellar. The buyer may walk away from a fine home scared off by a over zealous inspector. If this keeps up homes will NEVER be resold.
I appreciate the warm frioendly reception here and the attempts to help me do whats right.
I just think the industry has some issues that may come back to bite it....