WTF - Basement heat source or humidifier?

Found this dryer venting into the basement along with a dehumidifier. Perhaps a heat source for the basement?

I highly doubt the dryer vent is the HVAC duct. Need more than 1 ceiling register to condition a basement.

As for moisture, look at how dark the slab is. Look at the moisture staining on the first course of CMU blocks.

Report what you observe. Remember to note lot slope or lack there of.

Competing components. One adds moisture, one removes it. Smart :crazy_face:

that vent needs to terminate outside…that is one ugly basement…a number of things going on there…

It looks as if the sump pump failed, the basement flooded and the dryer and washer had to be removed (water damaged). Once the sump pump was fixed they added a dehumidifier to help dry things out.

It’s a dual combo, heat and humidifier all-in-one.

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