Z Flashing Graphic

I created a free Z Flashing Detail for today’s’ inspection for T111 wall siding butt joint for anyone’s use.


Nice. Thanks

Very nice ! Thanks

Good one, Randy. I’ll use that one in my reports. Thanks for all you do.

@rmayo Randy !
Could you do one showing an electric water heater with the PRV drain pipe down to within 6 inches of the auxiliary pan which is underneath, and the pan drains to the exterior?

Roy will this work or do I need to label various parts?


Great graphic Randy! The only thing I would add is that one doesn’t necessarily need to have the board under the flashing with the flashing extended out over it. At least in my area, typically the flashing just covers the plywood itself.

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Both are great graphics to include in my library. They always help to explain to clients what we are talking about! These are always appreciated Randy!

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That’s absolutely perfect. I can add what I want… Thank you so much.