Integrated Business Solutions wants to do 10 home inspection business makeovers for 10 NACHI members at no charge to the NACHI member.
Interested parties should voice their interest here then email me at with their name, address, web address, phone number, and email address.
Read the bottom of for more information on what the FREE business makeover includes.
This would be a great opportunity for the future of my company and for Nachi. I know that with help from ibsww.and Nick. I have a higher success rate in this field than I would if I was trying to do this on my own. Thank you ibsww and Nick for this opportunity, and I hope that I make the selection for the venture.
Nick & IBSWW,
Being new, hungry and ambitious I would be honered to be considered for the free business make-over. We always try to inprove our inspection business ourselves but know that professional intervention would help tremendously. Thank you for the opportunity look forward to any help.
Although I’m in my 20th year as a home inspector I find that my market share is continually shrinking due to increased competition. At this time I have begun a makeover on my own but would welcome your input and participation if you would honor me as one of your selected.
Looking at your website and the Google adsense ads at the bottom, are there Ohio home inspectors advertising on your website?
I see there is a Google ad for Arizona Home Inspections and a school advertising…Google rotates those ads. I was wondering if you noticed your competition advertising on your website.
I forget what Google pays people for those ads (adsense) but I know it sure is not worth the possibility of someone clicking an ad for someone else in your area.
This is just my observation from Arizona…I cannot see what Google advertises from your end.
Nick i would really be interested in this opportunity to further my business as anyone would. However i think it would also help me with gaining more Oklahoma home inspectors to become members of Nachi. This would show the commitment that Nachi has to its members in every state. This would let all of the inspectors in the state that are not members of Nachi already know that this is the organization to become a member of.
Ken Trice
Trice Home Inspections Inc.
Oklahoma Nachi President
I would like to say thank you to Nachi and IBSWW for making this offer to the NAchi members. I would like to be one of the 10 chosen for this opportunity for more than just boosting my business but also to help increase the membership here in the state of Oklahoma. I think this would show the committment that this organization has towards its members. This shows that Nachi wants every inspector to succeed at doing home inspections. So with that being said i hope i’m chosen as one of the lucky ten to help me and the membership here in the state.
I hope I haven’t pondered replying to this offer too long. I guess most of us would like to believe we can do it all on our own but I’ve come to the conclusion that I sure could use some help. I hope to be chosen. I would certainly share my success with our new Nebraska Chapter.
What is the criteria for being in the special 10? How will you choose out of the hundreds of us who would like to be in the top ten. Share all the details?
I read but it did not say how you would pick them.
Thanks for the info. Only see links myself but will ask. This web site is a NACHI design from the person asked to do it from NACHI, but will check into it.
Does the makeover include tips and guidance on how to reverse the effects of middle-aging and love handles? We’d also like to be considered as candidates who have reasonably strong business operations, but whom would greatly benefit from additional guidance and marketing operations improvements.
No doubt about it, I would love to be one of the chosen 10.
I do all I can think of, right now, to do my best and to help fellow NACHI inspectors in Idaho.
At age 54, Jeanne and I want very much to have grow my biz so much that she can stop driving 100 miles a day to go to work, the 2 of us can work together, and pay off our home before we get too old.
Furthermore, I would like to invite the sponsors of this offer to come to a NACHI Idaho meeting, to drum up more business for themself!
This would be a great opportunity for my company. Here in Hampton roads virginia there are not as many Nachi members. This would be a great way to show others what NACHI would do for it’s members to see that we suceed in the inspection industry. I would very well like to be one of the 10 NACHI members.
I recommend Len Ungar. He has worked hard for NACHI. No one would doubt that. The only strike against him was he wanted me to get more involved with NACHI for which he has taken heat over.
An asset to NACHI. As asset to the profession. He deserves the marketing boost!
My opinion, but I know hundreds in NY that would agree.