Originally Posted By: kdolin This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
What say Yee about an air conditoning register in the center of a garage ceiling? this is obviously an homeowner addition, as it is a 4 inch duc with a non adjustable register plate in the center of a 2.5 car garage, it is certainly not enough volume to adequatly cool the garage, He is a Corvette nut.
But the point would be under the right circumstances this could allow toxic gas(carbon dioxide, etc) to back flow into the house. unlikely but possible.
So What say Yee, or Yall, depending on your location.
Originally Posted By: jrivera This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Sounds like a real genius, but then again he sounds like a friend of mine who lives down there who’s a vette nut. Any pictures ? Your right it doesn’t sound like the right thing to do. But the again things that make you go hhmmm
Originally Posted By: phinsperger This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
kdolin wrote:
But the point would be under the right circumstances this could allow toxic gas(carbon dioxide, etc) to back flow into the house.
It is for that reason that it is absolutely not allowed here. We also require a weather strip on the man door from house to garage also for gas proofing purposes.
Originally Posted By: rwashington This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Seen this before if it was previously the model. Some Houston area builders use the garage as the sales office. Still not safe to have the duct openings.
Originally Posted By: away This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I have seen this up here in the DFW area as well. But the builders, for the most part, install a system dedicated solely for the office/garage. Thus, meeting the IRC separation requirements as well as common sense requirements.