What are the requirements for a curb on an access door from an attached garage to a house? Would gas vapors potentialy enter the home?
Are furnace vents allowed in the garage? Wouldnt there be the potential for C/O to enter the home thru the ducts?
What are the requirements for a curb on an access door from an attached garage to a house? Would gas vapors potentialy enter the home?
Are furnace vents allowed in the garage? Wouldnt there be the potential for C/O to enter the home thru the ducts?
Definetly mark this on your report as an immediate repair. That duct is a killler waiting to strike.
Also, does the door have a self-closer? Is it sealed well around the door frame? Is the weather-strip good?
Check all these.
Here curb not required from garage to house.
As David said that duct is not correct.
This has been discussed before. Although it is standard practice, there is no code for the garage floor to be lower than the house (at least not in the IRC).
A change in floor elevation between house and garage may not be required by code, but it is still considered good practice. A minimum of 6 inches lower than the house floor is a good idea.
I would think any duct which passes through the garage wall should have a fire damper at the wall, and it would be best if it had no outlet in the garage.
Code is a minumum requirement. Good practice frequently exceeds those minimums.
I spoke to the building commissioner pertaining to the curb, supply register & auto closure.
There is no code for the curb. There was one at one time.
There is no enforcement of the auto closure. It is advised to install as a good practice.
Supply registers are allowed in the garage if they have proper fire ratings. There needs to be a 20 minute damper installed and the pipe needs to be of proper thickness. Return vents are definitely not allowed.
**Anybody have any links or information on the 20 minute damper?
03 irc R309.1.1
Here’s one type that starts at 60 minute:
Would the register that is fired rated be allowed into the garage?
This is a product from Australia. Are there local products available?