Air Force Pilot JBoerner

32 yrs? Thats awesome!

Thanks a million everyone. He’s worked very hard for this day and it’s finally come. Now lets all get him through the training before we really celebrate. I hear it’s a doozy! If anyone can do it though I have faith he can! My son rocks!

Congratulations Billy, quite an accomplishment and you can be very proud. And Billy tell him you’re proud.

Its been years BUT as a Marine Corps Sniper, I remember how thrilled I was when I got my 1st confirmed kill shot from over 650 yards away.

Wrote and told my grandpa. He never said squat. Then about 61 years later at his funeral several of his contractor buddies (all in their mid to late 80’s) came up to me and told me how proud of me he’d been and how every time I’d write or once in a while if I had send him a photo of a really unique kill shot, how he’d show it around the HBA meetings.

They also told me every time I’d got wounded and hospitalized, how he’d stalk around the jobs taking everyones head off till he knew I was ok.

I always thought he was bored with what I was doing, cause if he said anything at all it was just to yell or tell me how sloppy I was for getting myself shot or stabbed. Never knew he was really proud and worried a whole lot

Tell your kid…