My son ( well step son) Had him when he was 6 so he is my son. Is one step closer to be in the Air force tonight, he is locked up in a motel room waiting for his physical tomorrow. Did his test today and scored a 85 meaning he can qualify for any of the spots. Scored 91 in the electrical section . ( he is a quick Learner) He was trying for the coast guard but didn’t want to wait for a opening. He will be a great Airmen and will be a asset ( talking like a proud parent ) I wanted him to be in business with me but if he stays in the Air force that will a great career choice too. His grandfather was Captain and flew bombers over Japan. His buttons are popping also. Just want to share this moment and brag .
Hopefully his physical will go well tomorrow he has been working out for 3 months now. Cant wait to see the buzz cut lol
Nice, Dad!
Hope all goes well.
Congratulations! I thank him for choosing to serve our country.
Thanks guys. I feel really proud of him. And will thank him. Still cant wait for the hair buzz.
My oldest will join the military next year but I insisted that he get into a program where the military pays for his college; he found a program that will give him a full ride of which he will then have to give them either 6 or 8 years once he becomes an officer… with today’s economy, the military is the way to go.
Congrats Wayne. Tell him to prepare for basic. START WORKING OUT if he hasn’t already been doing so. Basic is no fun if your out of shape. Tell him to listen, yes sir yes ma’am and do not volunteer unless he’s really interested lol. Also he has like 10 mins to sign up for the GI Bill unless they changed it. Tell him to make his mind up now on that one. I regretted not doing it then they finally came back with the 911 bill and my daughters college is all paid for thanks to Uncle Sam. Also tell him after he does his CDC’s once he gets to the base to start taking classes. Don’t wait around college is free once your in. Hope that helps. Any questions ask me. Remember I’m sitting in a USAF uniform as I type this message.
Billy if you meet him by chance tell him about home inspections lol
Will do
he has been working out every day weight lifting and running for 3 months.
Thank him for me for serving our COUNTRY!!
Will do .
Losing a boy gaining a man!
We wish him well.
My son just received his AF commission on the 17th. He will be reporting to MacDill in Tampa in a few days.
That is Awesome Wayne. Thank him for his service for me.
Congratulations Chuck. Thank your son as well for me.
God Bless all our Service Men & Women & their Families.
I wish him well. Thank him for his service to our great country. Remember, someday he may come back and work with you. For now, we all can have business because of people like him. Thanks
Well everything went well on his psychical he goes in march , got his coins to carry his papers and was told he is no longer a civilian . Mother is real quite not saying much. I told her he will be fine and will come back a better man. (And we will save on food, power and the water bill lolol. ). I just hope the Air force has lots of food.
CONGRATS, tell him THANKS for serving and protecting this great country
Congrats Wayne.
CONGRATULATIONS WAYNE! Thank your son for serving his country and for manning the ramparts that stand between us all and chaos. We shall never forget.