AirTemp Oil Furnace Age

At today’s inspection there was an Air Temp oil furnace at the property. According to the serial number and the information at the Building Intelligence Center website, the unit was made in 1978. I wanted to see if there was any other method of aging this unit. The flexible ducts and floor registers have all been updated recently and the water heater is from 2010. I just want to make sure that this furnace could be 44 years old before I write it up in my report. Thanks.

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A photo of the data plate and the unit would be most helpful.

Info, pics, etc.

Jeffrey, are you suggesting that I contact the company or is that date the correct build date?


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Thank you.

FWIW, That unit is way newer than 1970’s stuff…


Tricky one as @jjonas noted

ANSI dates are helpful. Building Intelligence Center also mentions this.


I was going to ask if you saw an ANSI label…

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Definitely a newer looking furnace. Any other photos of the data tags? There is some info in the bottom left corners of the data tags. Any photo of the card taped to the side of the unit, possibly has date it was installed?
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No luck looking up warranty online.

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Your second photo did not load.

2 photos loaded. one is just of the unit itself.

I have one missing in the middle


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Oh, I see, didn’t notice that stuck in the middle. :slight_smile:

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I think the OP is gone. So many questions, so few answers :wink:



For what it’s worth, that model number is apparently still available from Airtemp. This spec sheet is active on their website.


I sent an email to the manufacturer. I do not have pics of the paperwork taped to the side of the unit. I didn’t see any ANSI dates or installation information. From the look of the ductwork installation, this may have been a homeowner install. Hopefully the manufacturer can get me a date. Thanks for your responses.


Follow up - the manufacturer responded to my email and said that the unit was produced on 10/3/2017.
Thanks for everyone’s responses.


Did they happen to say if it could be determined from the SN without them having to look it up?

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