InterNACHI is in the process of building a new section of its acclaimed message board dedicated to vendors who wish to discuss products and services offered. This section is dedicated to vendors and is created to fulfill a need. Vendors may post announcement, answer questions, and crow about their wares in this new section, which will be viewable and accessible by the public. Along with the Vendor Section, a set of message board rules for vendors and Code of Ethics for vendors is being created by InterNACHI Management and its Ethics and Standards of Practice Committee. These important improvements will be fully implemented within the next 4 to 6 weeks.
Amen, thanks Joe and Nick and those that made this decision.
I hope the new “rules” will also prevent vendors from selling and discussing their services and products in the members only section.
Yes. New threads regarding products and services in Vendors. They may, however, ANSWER a question about a product or service anywhere on the Board, providing the answers are short, clear, and to the point. The secondary purpose of this new section, goes in conjunction with some vendor MB rules, and with a vendor COE. Side product includes an inability for thread hijack to take place by any vendor at any time.
Is all these changes causing member section not to be available right now
Has these changes caused a problem with the members only section right now. even though i am logged in it wont let me access
It looks as if you did not renew your membership.
Contact iNACHI
Eric try logging out and then logging back in, if you haven’t already.
Thats what Nick said in a email but it still has not worked, I can still get into my members section for CE. just not the msg boards. Guess i will have to wait to hear back from NACHI
joe, Instrumental HI equipment vendors?
If so I have someone.