Another government site (Louisville, KY) purged of all references to ASHI

I’m pleased to announce that another government agency scraped all references to ASHI from their government website. As many of you know, ASHI was forced to abandon and delete their former tagline “Educated. Tested. Verified. Certified” when InterNACHI showed that it was not true and that ASHI was foisting uneducated, untested, unverified and/or uncertified inspectors on the world. Read: InterNACHI Defeats ASHI in Court, Again. ASHI has also been caught awarding bogus certificates of completion. Read: ASHI Caught Issuing Bogus Certificates - InterNACHI®. Also, ASHI’s courses are not U.S. Department of Educaation-accredited. Read: Certification Mill vs. Accredited Institution - InterNACHI® And of course ASHI uses the NHIE (the very exam many states use to license newbies) as their ACI certification exam.


Good! Now let’s get Lakewood, CO to allow InterNACHI inspectors to do the rental inspections!

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Hi Lon,

Yes, I’m actively working on it. There is a little resistance to looking at it, since they just finished voting on all the language (but made some pretty glaring ommissions!).

Thanks Kaela. At the local level, it’s a fairly small thing, but it seems to get repeated.

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