It has a pull down lever and the cable disappears into the wall… the lever is tightened down… any ideas would help . thanks
not a clue from here…
Almost looks like a fire extinguisher bracket but not sure.
ya kinda but, dont think so , just disappears into the wall
No manufacturer or any written identification on it?
What room is it in and what’s on the other side of the wall? Any sign of anything in the attic?
What they asked…
So, no there is no manufacturers information at all, that corner of the attic is not accessible. It is in a bedroom … the other side of the wall is the exterior … no connections there or previous connections there.
You didn’t pull it?!
Then it is a “whatchamacallit” !!
Can you ask the seller?
Did you see if it opened a gable vent or other type of vent or fan?
Is it in the basement, looks like a concrete floor?
Is that capitalized?
no, sellers long gone…
I just like to have all the answers. It kind of looks like a handle and pull for a hatch or door. dont have any other photos . ;/ thanks guys
There ya go, Junior.
Fire hatch release of some type.
It might be the release mechanism for security bars on the outside of the window. Sometimes seller’s take off the bars for curb appeal but leave the mechanism.
Quite possible it is/was a security bar release. A wider view picture might clarify it’s function.
Throughout all my years as an inspector and I believe this will be my last year for all of it. I became to understand that. In a world of infinite possibilities anyting is possible.
So who knows who really cares. I don’t
Are there bars on the window, possible release for the security bar for egress?