Originally Posted By: Todd Templeton This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I’m just finishing up my home study course. When I received the requirements for Arizona certification/registration, it stated 30 parallel home inspections with a certified home inspector. One ride along every day and that’s 30 days. Two on the weekend and that is 4 months. That is if you can get that many lined up. Can anyone from Arizona give me some advice or tell me what you did to get these. I was wanting to go on a few ride alongs, now it looks like I have to go 30 times before I can start doing paid inspections.
Originally Posted By: ecrofutt This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Don’t expect your direct competition to help you.
I'd get ahold of some inspectors in Tuscon or Flagstaff and ask them to take me for ride alongs. You certainly won't be in direct competition with them.
Originally Posted By: Scott Warga This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Todd, I am not a NACHI member, But I am an Arizona Certified Home Inspector. I am in Gilbert also. If you don’t mind being seen with A PROUD ASHI Member contact me and we will see what we can do.
Originally Posted By: Nick Gromicko This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
We got copies of those ads which are in violation of ASHI’s agreement not to disparage NACHI and we found other non-ASHI members in AZ who were financially damaged by those ads. Damages could range into the millions.
Class action suit time.
Let's do your Chapter soon. We'll bust this wide open.
Originally Posted By: jfarsetta This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Point this out to ASHI National. They really need to stop this stuff. I'd also be tempted to cram a certain e-mail up the (you know what) of a certain NAHI executive director.
I know you continually tell me to let this stuff go, Nick, but it's hard for me. Really hard. 
Our members are being damages as we speak. They cannot wait to until a NACHI chapter is formed. Sue the crap out of them...
So how about it, Scott? Is this stuff true?
-- Joe Farsetta
Illigitimi Non Carborundum
"Dont let the bastards grind you down..."
Originally Posted By: mcraig This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Todd take Scott up on his offer as an ASHI member he has enough business to take you out if you pass the tests etc… I would offer to take you out but as a NACHI member in AZ I don’t have enough business to take anyone out you can go out with me while I try and drum up business or sit at my desk while I fax, call and Email Realtors and ask for referrals I noticed you are not a NACHI member were you looking at us before you make a decision to join us or ASHI?
Originally Posted By: mcraig This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I am going to the So. Cal. meeting on the 15th. to meet with the NACHI members there to get some help on setting up are local chapter. It looks like I might have are first meeting in April if I get enough figured out to set it up.