Government Investigation of AZ BTR.

Originally Posted By: gromicko
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I’ve been asked to help with an independent government investigation of Arizona’s Board of Technical Registration. All I have is rumors to offer and some of them seem far-fetched. Can anyone help me here?

Is it true that the board is made up solely of ASHI members and that they keep non-ASHI members off the board?

Is it true that the board hinders competition? How?

Is it true that the head of an ASHI Chapter became an AZ employee associated connected with the board?

Is it true that a board member demanded and accepted payment for parallel inspections from an applicant to the board on which he sits?

Is it is true that there is a board member who also runs a home inspection school that sells parallel inspections and has an indentured-servitude scheme going via this school? Is he still on the board?

Is it true that the board is harassing members of NACHI saying that they can't join NACHI until the are licensed or else will be fined $5,000.00?

Boards are supposed to be independent of the inspectors they license and this board should be considered innocent until proven guilty. I'm not accusing anyone of anything but some of these outside accusations if true are criminal and could lead to jail time. Abuse of office for profit is a crime. Anyway, just get me all the data so that I can pass it on to a higher authority. I'm out of the loop on this one now but all hell is breaking loose over this thing and I need help separating fact from rumor before I feel comfortable enough to pass it on.

Email me if you want to remain annonymous. Your name will not be used. I'll let you know what I learn as I learn it. It could be all just B.S. from some inspector who can't get licensed.

Nick Gromicko

I much prefer email to private messages.

Originally Posted By: mcraig
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Nick I am going to have to sit down a minute with this group of questions I would like to take a shot at getting the facts first and giving you the real answers to all of these questions. I have spent a year now trying to sort threw a lot of these questions and I don’t have the total answers yet.

I can tell you this that there are a lot of HI’s in Arizona and more coming out of the schools every day.

I have tried to stay out of fights between different HI’s and organizations and have tried vary hard to try and get all organizations to quit fighting with each other.

Here is my opinion at this moment (with out all the questions answered) I think there are so many HI’s here that they are looking to blame others for there own lack of being able to get business. Other organizations have done massive print adds, Radio and TV spots. I don’t pay attention to all of this I still get a good growing business from handling my own Marketing and doing a good job. I think that some of the local NACHI HI’s are upset and think that it is up to NACHI to come in here and spend millions of dollars on advertising for them (Instead of handling there own advertising)

Also a lot of HI’s Blame ASHI, NAHI and NACHI for unfair advantages in getting refurrals from Realtors This is not true. There are more Independent HI’s in Arizona than members of all 3 organizations put together and they control most of the Realtor refurrals. ASHI has managed to get a lot of refurrals from national Realtor franchises but they have been here for years and do have older established HI’s Most NACHI guys are newbies this is why they are complaining they are new and don’t know how to get there own business going yet in time they will learn or go under. As I have stated before there are more local Realtors than Franchis’s and more Independent HI’s in Arizona there is enough business for everyone that quits fighting with each other and blaming each other and just takes care of there own business. I am constantly asked by customers why do I keep staying with NACHI and not join ASHI too there are many members here that belong to both organizations that is there choice at this time I have chose to stay with NACHI and do the best job I can in return they can see that there is at least one member of NACHI in Arizona that is doing a good job promoting the organization and promoting peace between all HI’s. The best way to get business in Arizona is to take care of your business and don’t worry about what other people are doing.

Take care of your own marketing that is your responsablity not NACHI’s

and if you need more business go out and hussle like all the HI’s that are doing well out here.

I will get back with you when I get a real answer to each question and say what is real or not. icon_smile.gif icon_smile.gif icon_smile.gif icon_smile.gif

Originally Posted By: dharris
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[quote=“gromicko”]I’ve been asked to help with an independent government investigation of Arizona’s Board of Technical Registration. All I have is rumors to offer and some of them seem far-fetched. Can anyone help me here?

Why would some ask nachi’s help regarding an independent gov investigation

I would think if there was a investigation it would be addressed by the attorney general or someone else in the state gov

Is it true that the board is made up solely of ASHI members and that they keep non-ASHI members off the board?

Is there anyone from any other org or not belong to any org, that's even attempted to apply not to mention qualified ?
On a prior post didn't you state that Dan Hayden a nahi member was on some committee

Is it true that the board is harassing members of NACHI saying that they can't join NACHI until the are licensed or else will be fined $5,000.00?

Harassing? Could it be some one advertising there nachi certified and accepted to perform a inspection with out being state certified as required by law?
I really do not think the board cares if you belong to any org or not,

Fine of 5,000 for operating without state required certification,
I think they should go 1 step further and refuse them a lic in the future

It could be all just BS

Most of The members of the board are professionals in other careers, including an attorney,
There going to risk there career to favor a specific group of people???

Far fetched?? posting this BS with out facts is far fetched

Originally Posted By: jfarsetta
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No, Dan, it’s not BS. Sorry to burst your bubble. Investigative bodies are routinely made up of “outsiders” with knowledge of the industry, so dont be so quick to question the validity of this.

As to the questions posted, they were just that... questions. The blanket disclaimer Nick made at the end, that it may all be untrue, tells me that this is more than hype.

These qauestions/complaints are nothing new. We've heard them before. They are no less far fetched than the dribble posted last month as to an investivation into NACHI members by BTR.

Or, have you forgotten that little diddy? Seems to me you didnt state that it was BS at the time...

I think we get the picture ![icon_wink.gif](upload://ssT9V5t45yjlgXqiFRXL04eXtqw.gif)

Joe Farsetta

Illigitimi Non Carborundum
"Dont let the bastards grind you down..."

Originally Posted By: Nick Gromicko
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If you search this board, others in the past have come up with some wild accusations even I have doubts about and refused to repeat.

However, there now exists a criminal complaint against at least one board member for abuse of power of office to restrain free trade. I believe the complaint came from a NACHI or NAHI member but I don't know for sure. Any complaint, even a baseless one, has to be investigated I guess and the circumstantial evidence in AZ to support such a complaint seems overwhelming. We should stick to what we know and we know of some threats of fines for merely joining NACHI and of course we know a member was pressured into pulling NACHI radio ads. Standing alone, this stuff is much to do about nothing, but in sum... it appears (note I said "appears") to be an illegal conspiracy to abuse the power of an office to gain personal profit by restraining competition, even if it might not be. I guess we'll find out.

If anyone hears anything please post.

Nick Gromicko

I much prefer email to private messages.

Originally Posted By: mcraig
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Nick this is so troubling to me seeing this that I am going to take time away from my business Thursday and go out and get some of these questions answered. Just as I asked for names last week of the 9 NACHI members being investigated I will ask you for the board member being investigated. I will go to the BTR and ask other HI’s and people in places of power to help get to the bottom of all of this. I am sad that we have to all keep going after each other, I am watching all the Independent HI’s get more and more of the market as all of us in ASHI and NACHI keep mud slinging each other I know that there are a lot of die hard NACHI members in other states that think there is a fight that needs to be won. Look there is enough business for everyone in all organizations. I am truly sad with the threads like this on our message board they get out of hand real fast before all the facts are in. I promise all of you that are looking at this thread I will go out and try and get answers to all of this first thing in the morning.

In the mean time lets keep calm and not blow this all out of context, lets get the facts first

Nick please give me all the names and information you have and I will get back to you with the answers later on in the day.

Thank you all and keep calm let me get to the facts and get back to you all. icon_smile.gif icon_smile.gif icon_smile.gif

Originally Posted By: jgushard
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I can tell all of you from personal experience that I was called by the BTR yesterday. I was out of the office and returned a call directed to me specifically by the BTR. I called back Karen at the BTR to be told that I was under investigation for performing home inspections without a license. I was on the block because of being listed on NACHI’s website. I explained that I have never performed a home inspection nor have I ever told a customer that I am the inspector. However I have passed NACHI’s test, and am a member of NACHI, which makes perfect sense as I co-own JAM Home Inspections.

I was told that I will be receiving a letter and that I face a possible fine of $5,000.00 for being listed on NACHI's website. Though I tried to explain that I do not perform inspections, and that I have never told anyone I am an inspector, further I do not list a state license number. I explained that any callers do get a certified home inspection with JAM Home Inspections, thru Mark Simmons who is registered with the state.

Kay looked up the information and did confirm that she saw Mark's information on the website as well. However she insists that I am to receive a letter, and the letter will outline a hearing before the BTR. Which amazed and astonished me. I am up for fines for something that I did not do.

I was also informed that I had to immediately make sure that my name is not associated with any advertising for my company. Which I co-own, and paid a great deal of money to start. No advertising can have my name associated with it, according to the conversation that I had with Kay. Advertising is illegal? Does not make sense to me, and I am glad NACHI has agreed to help pursue the matter legally.

For those of you who are skeptics, and like to call people liars. Know your facts before you say that you know everything. Obviously you do not, and are not "The Great Kreskin"!

Justin Gushard
JAM Home Inspections

Originally Posted By: jfarsetta
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Joe Farsetta

Illigitimi Non Carborundum
"Dont let the bastards grind you down..."

Originally Posted By: Nick Gromicko
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I'm writing the Governor now and will call her office in the morning. Some of this stuff is criminal and they should go to jail. Another government office is on it, but I think we should file a civil suit against all of them and subpoena the communications between all of them. I smell an ASHI fish and my nose is never wrong.

Nick Gromicko

I much prefer email to private messages.

Originally Posted By: mcraig
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Nick please let me get facts before this goes any further. I know some of the people you just named and I would recomend we check out the information before we jump in to something that in the end might imbaress us as an organization. I am asking you to please not go any further until there are real creadible facts brought out to the surface. I can’t keep trying to do damage control in AZ. And come to Peace with all the other organizations with this going on. It would be better to get our members in to possisitions in the legislative process first I told you long ago that we don’t have a Qualified HI by the state standerds to hold any possisition on the board It will take around 3 more years to be in a possisition to seek any role in the process change will have to come from with in and by a respected member of the community this takes time.

Give me one day to see about all of this please… We don’t need a war

Originally Posted By: dharris
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[quote=“gromicko”]Wow Justin! Thanks for being brave and posting. I was beginning to wonder if readers of this thread thought I was making this stuff up. Anyway, is there a female at the BTR who used to be an ASHI Chapter President or something? Who is Dave Swartz? Who is Allen Wells Blaker?

Go for it nick
From the email I saw I believe you know who Alan Blaker is
If you recall he's the guy who kindly asked you to quit sending him emails and you responded angerly with the f word and other statements not worth stating on this board. The last time I checked he was not a btr board member

A lady az chapter pres now with the btr, way off but go for it, the govener will qualify you letter as for what it is,

David Swartz an owner of a multi inspector firm and the last time I checked his name was not listed as a btr board member

Originally Posted By: Nick Gromicko
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I like peace as much as you and I like you. But there is no way in hell I'm going to sit back and let a NACHI member get fined. If you think this thread is war you don't know me very well.

You are a member just as Justin is so I'll honor your request. Take off Thursday. Report back here Friday. I'll pay you for your lost day's work. It will be worth it to discover that I'm nuts and that all these emails are from liars.

However if it turns out I'm sane... Monday I hire an AZ law firm and file suit against everyone remotely associated with this conspiracy. I'll file against them all personally and individually. We'll see who runs out of money first.

I trust this is satisfactory to you.

Nick Gromicko

I much prefer email to private messages.

Originally Posted By: dharris
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I'm writing the Governor now and will call his office in the morning.

Call his office, The last I heard our govenors name was Janet

Originally Posted By: Nick Gromicko
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Thanks Dan:

Who is the woman at the BTR who used to be an ASHI Pres? What is her name?

Nick Gromicko

I much prefer email to private messages.

Originally Posted By: mcraig
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Thank you Nick Please stay calm I will get the facts to everyone and lets end this once and for all.

Originally Posted By: Nick Gromicko
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Well that didn’t take long… I got 4 more emails similar to Justin’s. Thank God, for a minute I started to question my sanity too.

IMPORTANT NOTE: I hope anyone reading this understands that my position at NACHI requires me to defend a member being fined $5,000.00 by an board that is association lopsided with a now documented history of bias.

Nick Gromicko

I much prefer email to private messages.

Originally Posted By: dharris
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gromicko wrote:
Thanks Dan:

Who is the woman at the BTR who used to be an ASHI Pres? What is her name?

The fact is There is NO woman at the btr that used to be a ashi pres. In fact to date there never was a woman az ashi pres.

Originally Posted By: Nick Gromicko
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I'm calm. See what the heck is going on over there. You can have all the time you need. I'd rather they fix themselves.

By the way, I just removed another AZ member at his request because he said the board threatened him. I'm forwarding his email to you but I don't have his permission to post it so don't.

Do you know the association-affiliation make-up of the board? Where can I get their names and home addresses? I'd like to get their wives names too but the attorneys will eventually.

Nick Gromicko

I much prefer email to private messages.

Originally Posted By: Nick Gromicko
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Thanks Dan:

Like I said some of this will require me to figure out. Is there a woman who went from ASHI to a regulatory body in AZ. I know it is illegal in AZ to go the other direction (you can't work for an organization you recently regulated) but I'll check on it going the other way.

Any help is appreciated. As I said in the original post, fact has to be sorted from rumor.

Nick Gromicko

I much prefer email to private messages.

Originally Posted By: Nick Gromicko
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I just forwarded another one to you. You can call him or whatever to confirm.

I can't wait till you unleash me next week.

Nick Gromicko

I much prefer email to private messages.