Dont’ get me wrong. I like and respect most Agents and I get a lot of referrals from them which I appreciate. I think most of them are professional and do a good job, Jim B. will vouch that I usually speak kindly of agents but this one today just knew better than the stupid ole inspector.
At my verbal summary during this afternoons inspection I mentioned that the dishwasher did not cycle through and was not functional, I said it might be repairable but replacement would be my recommendation because it was a low end model and probably not worth the effort to try to fix. Of course, the Agent who’s working both sides of the deal starts fiddling with the controls and gets the water running into the unit. “It’s working” she exclaims, “see, it was just the counter switch was off”. “No Ma’am, I checked the unit and the switch, it does not cycle properly.” So now I go to the unit to try to force drain it and it won’t drain. I tell her “it won’t drain and if it’'s left running it will fill with water”. I shut the unit down. “What are we going to do about all that sitting water in the unit?” she asks. “Well the unit won’t drain so the water will just have to sit there until the unit is repaired or you could scoop it out.” Geez, she fills the damn thing with water and expects me to deal with it. I don’t think so.
Anyway my client called me while I was driving home to tell me that she messed with the unit again after I left and flooded the kitchen. I said(jokingly) he should tell her that she should stick to selling houses and leave the inspecting to me. Also told him to tell her I said “happy mopping”. He chuckled and said he would.
Takes all kinds I guess.