ASHI,CAPHI,TIJ,DOA,REALTORs, all meet at NACHI last night

Originally Posted By: gromicko
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A packed room at last night’s

I'd like to thank everyone that made it a success and everyone I got to meet and talk with. I'm sure I'm forgetting many.

David L. Hovde, President of the Association of Realtors who opened the meeting.

Dr. Dan Suomi, Washington State Department of Agriculture who scared the hell out of David and I (REALTORs) explaining that REALTORs should NOT be referring inspectors! You could hear a pin drop during his talk. He really hammered us.

Jim Gallant, ReportHost did a really nice job demonstrating online reporting. He has a nice system. NACHI members get a deal with ReportHost.

Bill Cassells, P.E. of Evergreen Inspection Training Group did a presentation on training inspectors.

Alex Leavitt, Palm-Tech spoke. He is the local distributor. Palm-Tech is a NACHI sponsor at many of our

Lorne Steiner from Porter Valley Software came up from California to talk about litigation.

Many ASHI members came over from their Western Washington Chapter including the President Paul Luczyk. All a great bunch of guys. We agreed to keep each other informed about the forming of a state organization.

NACHI member Brandon Nelson said he'd put the next NACHI meeting together.

A bunch of CAPHI guys came down from Canada, many of them NACHI members.

Bruce & Judy Kirby from our Montana NACHI Chapter drove 12 hours to get there.

Michael O'Handley from TIJ and I got to meet and have a long talk about the profession nationally. He's still a little upset that he is the only guy I ever told to perform a physically impossible act (this was years ago). I apologized. He graciously accepted my apology. We don't agree on much. (He doesn't like that this message board is unmoderated and thinks I or someone at NACHI should delete or edit controversial posts & threads). But he's a nice fella with good intentions at heart.

NACHI member Mike Jones who last year helped build our was there too.

I saw at least one HouseMaster shirt in the crowd.

Food was great.

Special thanks to NACHI member Jerry Domagala and his wife. They own the local NPI franchise and put it all together.

Nice job everyone.
