I wanted to pass these photos along to see if anyone had any thoughts. In this attic there were so many 2X4s going in every direction I got a little confused. This is a 2 year old home.
Does this appear normal? The 2 x 4 “rafters” have their widest side against the roof sheathing from about half way up the roof to the top. Below that they have their narrowest side to the rafters (which seems to make more sense). I guess they may not be called rafters as they don’t extend all the way up as one single 2 X 4. If they are trusses they appear quite “home made”.
In terms of inspecting for performance, everything appears to be performing well. But, I just wanted to hear what others might think. If this is all normal building stuff seen regularly in new construction, that’s great, just let me know! It’s much appreciated. I’ve mostly seen much older homes thus far. I’m training and only looking to learn. Thanks in advance for any comments,
I’ve run into this style roof framing a few times and had to get with the AHJ for permits and original plans with engineer stamp. All was well once this research was done.
In your case it may have been done for snow loads…is all I can think of…refer to engineer documentation whenever in doubt.
I’m sure others in your region will have further comments.
It appears to be trusses running one way, with the flat 2x4’s acting as purlins running perpendicular to the trusses. However, the only photo that gives any semblance of a clear picture is #2. The others are too close-up to allow any conclusions, and a photo of the outside of the roof, with an explanation of where photo #2 was taken, would be very helpful. All the other miscellaneous 2x4’s appear to be erection bracing of the trusses to keep them from falling like dominos, which can be catastophic.
Thanks for the feedback. I’ll have to work on taking better pictures. I’ll try to get a picture of the house from the outside. There certainly is lots of bracing throughout the entire attic.
I have this picture but it’s really too small. There is a gable roof that runs across the house, from left to right, in between and behind the gable roof over the garage and the other end of the house (sorry, don’t know what to call the cone shaped roof). You can only see a small portion of it right in the middle. Anyways, I took the pictures from the attic hatch which is in that gable roof, on the left side of the picture,(directly behind the “cone” shaped roof) facing towards the garage side of the house.
The roof vent in picture #1 from the first post is from this gable roof in the middle of the house, on the back side of the gable roof (not visible from front of house). Ok, first I think I need to go find the proper terminology for this type of roof. I’ve likely only made this more confusing…
I appreciate your comments though, thanks a lot.
It’s crystal clear to me, but I can only offer an opinion on what your pictures show.
I see no logical reason for anyone to design a roof in snowy Ontario with 2X4 rafters laid flat like that. There apparently was not enough clearance to set them on edge, as was done in the lower sections. If the 2X4’s are functioning as rafters, they really should be spliced, not just butted together.
It looks like the trusses are set at varying distances apart, where a well designed structure would space them evenly.
Finally. the bracing is inconsistent and uses a lot of short pieces, which won’t stop the works from folding under stress. They may be temporary supports which were simply left in. The need for bracing varies with design.
You are correct to suspect a problem here and recommend that a qualified builder take a look at this or have someone produce a set of plans for this, as Barry suggested.
In reviewing the pics a little, I really don’t see much wrong other than the temporary lateral erection bracing that was left for the permanent.
I have done lots of structures like this, but I would question it also without the proper documentation and/or engineers drawings available at the time of the inspection.
Referal to a competent and licensed Contractor would be prudent.